Director's Message

Posted by Shahwali On Wednesday, December 29, 2010 0 comments
Selection of an institution for undergraduate and graduate
education is the most critical milestone in a person’s professional
life. The decision must be based on a number of criteria; the most
important being an appropriate aptitude and cultural compatibility.
For those who possess the bent for an application-based,market-
driven learning experience, in an enlightened,yet value centered
ethical environment, Institute of Business Administration is the
place to be.
The educational pathway at IBA is designed for knowledge
enhancement and skill development with a focus towards
global market requirements. Our graduates are equipped
with such human skills which renders them adaptability for
all dimensions of the business environment, be it the fast
 paced and competitive corporate setting, or the entrepreneurial
culture of small and medium enterprises.
IBA offers a diverse range of programs, designed to address the specific requirements
of people coming from a diverse variety of backgrounds. The undergraduate, graduate
and executive degrees are offered in a number of fields including Finance, Marketing,
Business Management, Information Technology and Human Resource Management.

This year, IBA shall also launch the M.Phil program; a research masters specially targeted
to develop. specialized skills in professionals pursuing a career in academics and research.
IBA holds a strong conviction towards creating and maintaining an effective liaison with
the corporate and industry sector. The mandatory requirement of an internship; and the
establishment of an active Alumni association; both are evident manifestations of this
institutional philosophy.
Students at IBA experience an outstanding environment, which results from a combination
of a competitive curriculum; a highly qualified and cooperative faculty; a comfortable and
purpose-built housing facility; and a refined, cultured and highly creative student body.
I assure you that your time at IBA shall not only be effectively utilized for education
but immensely enjoyable as well – the essence of a true learning experience.
Good Luck! 
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ehsan Malik

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